The Batman Who Catwoman

The Batman Who Catwoman

The bat is met in a new photo by Matt Reeves The Batman, featuring Robert Pattinson as Cape Crusader and Zoo Croats as the jewelry thief Kate Woman. In a new photo released by Empire, the pair are shown face to face on the rooftops of Gotham City, although we do not know if they are meeting as friends or foes.

 Selena Kyle has always been portrayed in Batman fiction as a dubious ally of Batman. Since Selena is not bad and does not share the goal of Batman’s bully gallery for Gotham’s domination, she has helped the Dark Knight many times in the past. However, Kate Woman is also a world-renowned jeweler, who does not look good with a janitor who devotes her entire life to fighting crime. On top of that, Batman and Kate Woman are romantically involved in a number of stories, giving Reeves a fertile background that he can use in his repetition of DC’s Gotham characters. Batman, Kravitz recently talked about how the upcoming film is also “Selena’s real story”. According to the star, the film will show Selena “trying to figure out who she is” and fans will see her “becoming what I’m sure women will die for.” Considering how confident Warner Bros. The Batman is in success, it would not be surprising if Kravitz would take part in future projects. So far, Warner Bros. has already confirmed two spin-off series on HBO Max. The first will focus on the Gotham City Police Department, while the second will look for an avatar of Colin Ferrell’s The Penguin. Batman’s cast includes Paul Dano as Rudler, Andy Sarkis as Van Butler’s Alfred Penny Worth, Jeffrey Wright as Commissioner Gordon, and John Tertro. Carmen Falcon The story takes place in the “Year Two” of Bruce Wayne’s Batman, when the Watchman has already won the trust of Gotham citizens but is still accustomed to fighting the super villain.

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