How to Increase Your Website Loading Speed?


This is a question that all webmasters must be asking themselves time and again as their websites to grow in size and complexity. Website load times are a major factor in determining the success or failure of any website, and this is not an area where you want to make any mistakes as it can be detrimental to the future of your website.

How to increase your website loading speed?

The fastest way to increase your website loading speed is to get your website hosted with a managed server. This will allow your website to have a cookie planted on each page that has information on it such as your shopping cart or blog and will ensure that every visitor knows that the website is live. Each time a visitor loads up your website they will then be redirected to the host’s website. Although this method is not free, there are many hosts who will offer you a free trial to try out before you decide to sign up for a managed website hosting account.

Figure out the errors

Another good question to ask yourself when wondering about how to increase your website loading speed is ‘why am I getting errors?’ This is likely to be down to your hosting account and how you are dealing with it. If you are receiving a lot of error messages you may need to upgrade your account. Whilst this may cost you a few dollars more than the standard plan you will save money in the long term by being able to edit your site more efficiently.

Once you have signed up for a website hosting account you’ll need to find out how to optimize your site for Google. Most people are aware that they should put in the proper alt tags and meta description tags for search engines to pick up on the content of their website. However, some people know even less about optimizing a website for Google and simply don’t do it. This is a massive issue and one that you should spend some time mastering if you want to get your website seen by the search engines.

Load time

When thinking about how to increase your website loading speed you’ll need to think about both loading time and page load time. If your website takes a long time to load the visitors will be gone faster than they could have arrived. If you keep your site loading slow the search engines will pick up on this and not rank your site at all. How to optimize your site for Google is to use the right titles and keywords in the content of your website. For example, if you have the words ‘sports’ shoes’ in the content of your website then you’ll need to change your words to ‘sport shoes’. By using keywords in the title and in the description you can ensure that Google picks up on these keywords.

Make it fast

Your next step on how to increase your website loading speed is to work with Google. There are many tools on the Google website called ‘docs’. Open these up and find the source code of any part of your website that isn’t working properly. Once you’ve found the source code, you simply have to edit it to make it run correctly. This is a very time consuming task but it’s one that Google has made easy. There are also help menus available if you ever need them.

If you’re looking at how to optimize your website for the search engines then you need to look at the internal linking structure. Internal links to other parts of your site are what tell Google which pages of your site have information on them. You’ll also need to make sure that the link to each of these pages points to the right page. Many times there are internal links that point to the wrong page, or no links at all. To make sure that Google knows where your website is you’ll need to make sure that you follow the linking conventions explained above.


So, how to increase your website loading speed? It’s all about making your website as easy to navigate as possible, and then making it as fast as possible. The easiest thing that you can do to speed up your website is to use multiple parallel connections. Using parallel connections will make sure that each person who’s on the site can get to the information that they want quickly. You’ll be amazed at just how much speed you can get on your site with this easy trick.


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